Face Mask- Surgical Face Mask

by MMM developers



Face Mask- Surgical Face Mask Editor allow users to apply multiple masks on face and decorate them.Face mask allow user to apply face mask by taking picture from camera or select directly from gallery and apply different face masks, strips and emojis on it.There are two main categories of Face Mask- Surgical Face Mask Editor1. Surgical Face MasksThis category consists of medical masks which allow users to apply masks on face and apply different emojis to decorate them and different strips can be used for it.2. Stylish Face MaskThis category consists of stylish and different shapes Face Masks to make you look beautiful.you can select face mask strips and different emojis to your mask in Face Mask- Surgical Face Mask Editor application.Face Mask downloaded images are save in internal storage DCIM folder.Updated Face mask editor.New Face mask editor release introduce section of respiratory face masks.Cotton face masks and stylish face mask are added in new version.Many beautiful strips are now added in face mask editor.This improved version of face mask editor introduced different varieties and colors of face masks for all ages.